Free Tutoring through Study Edge
Study Edge provides:
- A supplemental online resource to help student Veterans make the most of their study time with Exam Prep videos and study guides that break down even the most complex material into easy-to-understand information.
- A tutoring service for those that prefer a more individualized approach, with the attention that comes from a private tutor but without the high price of one-on-one tutoring sessions. Student Veterans have access to Concept Videos for their specific courses facilitated by their Study Experts that employ the most effective practices of instruction and that deliver content in a way that’s simple and easy for anyone to understand – no matter how many years removed from college.
- A convenient, easy-to-access study tool for Veterans to access anytime, from anywhere. Student Veterans can access Study Edge resources on-the-go, wherever they are, and at any time of the day via web and mobile app, making it possible to incorporate even a few minutes of study time into any schedule from any location.
For more information visit:
When you’re ready to get started, select your school and subject.
To unlock your free access through December 31, 2020, email to set up a membership.
All service members are eligible, including those from the National Guard.”