Scarlet Promise Grant & Military Education Benefits

16.7.1 Scarlet Promise Grant & the National Guard, Chapter 33, and Chapter 31/DVR Benefits

Starting Fall 2022, students who are eligible for Chapter 33 benefits will be eligible for the Scarlet Promise Grant.

Scarlet Promise Grants are need-based financial aid awards that close the gap between aid from federal and state sources and what Rutgers families can afford. These grants provide support for tuition and other expenses inherent in a college education, such as books, meal plans, and housing.

Find out more about the Scarlet Promise Grant here.

Support Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

Rutgers students need financial aid now more than ever. A large majority require assistance in order to attend the university, last year demonstrating $100 million in unmet financial need. In an era of declining state funding, philanthropy plays an increasingly critical role in our students’ success.

Scarlet Promise Grants offer essential financial support to talented undergraduate students for whom a world-class Rutgers education would otherwise be impossible. They provide need-based aid to Rutgers students as part of their financial aid packages and, in some cases, to relieve short-term, temporary financial hardship. The grants help tomorrow’s leaders fulfill their potential.

There are few more profound ways to change lives than by making a Rutgers education accessible to those with the talent and drive to pursue it. Generations of alumni who depended on scholarship assistance have used their Rutgers education to their best advantage, distinguishing themselves and making outsized impacts on our world. Their achievements are the greatest possible return on investment.

Funded through annual university budgeting and philanthropic resources inspired by a Rutgers Board of Trustees initiative, these grants help Rutgers fulfill its tripartite mission of education, research, and public service. For more information, call 848-932-7351.

Find out more about the Scarlet Promise here.